Our History
Since 1845

LaGrange Christian Church had its beginning in the year 1845. A small group of believers joined what was then known as “The Disciples.” This group adopted the phrase, “Christians Only, Not the Only Christians.” They were seeking a brotherhood that stressed Christianity as a life-style and not a one day a week experience.
Services were held in the Masonic Building. This was an old wooden structure located where Duerson Library was located on Jefferson Street. They continued to hold services there until 1866 at which time the building collapsed.
A member of the congregation, Brother William Sale, donated a lot for a new church to be built. The lot was located on the northeast corner of Jefferson and Walnut Street where the Clore and Duncan Building now stands. A small one-room brick church was erected. At this time the Church had around 160 members.
The Church served all races within the community. There was no baptistery in the church; consequently new converts were baptized in Fields’ Pond on Old Jericho Road east of LaGrange. The church practiced closed membership until 1974, when as a congregation; it recognized all forms of baptism.
The Church continued to add to its number and thus more room was needed. A lot was donated at First Avenue and Madison Street by Miss Minnie Ellis for the construction of a new church. The year was 1926. Pledges were taken, plans were drawn up but before construction could begin the depression came and the local bank failed, taking with it the $5,000 in paid up pledges given toward the new building.
The congregation then decided to excavate under the small church and build a basement. This would give additional room until the time they could build a new facility. Because of an usually wet spring, the rain weakened the foundation and the church collapsed. One lady was quoted as saying “Praise the Lord, now we can have our new church.”
And have their new church they did! Again pledges were taken and construction began August 18, 1935. The building was completed and dedicated October 11, 1936. The mortgage was burned two years later in 1938.
In January 1944, the church purchased the residence at 207 North First Avenue for a parsonage at a cost of $7,700. The mortgage was burned July 15, 1945.
By 1954 the Church had grown so that they were again looking for a way to expand. Pledges once more were taken and remodeling and construction of a new educational facility were begun in the spring of 1954. This building program was done at a cost of $68,000. The debt was retired by 1957. When the educational facility was added the sanctuary and entrance to the church were changed. The entrance was now on Madison Street and the altar was now at the east of the sanctuary.
In 1972, through the generous bequest of Miss Harrie Ratcliffe, the church added new classrooms by refinishing the upstairs of the Education building. About this same time a new parsonage was purchased at 407 North Fifth Avenue in LaGrange.
By the mid-seventies Oldham County was experiencing tremendous growth and the Church felt it should secure land close to LaGrange in the event larger facilities should be needed.
Consequently, a tract of 25 acres, located on KY 53 north of LaGrange was purchased. Likewise, a house located near the church was purchased for the purpose of expansion when needed. This enabled the Church to have two options for expansion.
The eighties saw much effort devoted to remodeling, landscaping and major upkeep of the church. The McRoberts property next to the church was purchased, the building removed and the area seeded and landscaped to give us an outdoor assembly area. In late 1982 and early 1983, a major renovation took place. The whole main floor of our church was refurbished including a new ceiling and indirect lighting added to the sanctuary, a new baptistery curtain, redecorating for the Pastor’s Study and the Lounge. New carpet was laid upstairs and down. At that time a new organ was purchased.
In the mid and late nineties, the Church remodeled the parsonage on Fifth Avenue. The original roof was removed and replaced on the church building. An elevator was installed in 1996 to allow easy access from outside the church to the Sanctuary on the main floor and the Fellowship Hall in the basement. The Nursery, the C.O.F.F.E.E. Class Sunday School, the front of the Sanctuary, and the Church Office were all redecorated. The office equipment was updated with computers and copy machines. New gutters and aluminum siding were put up around the roof in 1998, as well as more landscaping of the church yard. The bathrooms on the main level were completely remodeled. We also had new air conditioners and furnaces installed in 1998. A new sound system was purchased and installed in the Sanctuary. The church had started to grow attain and many of the projects completed with little or no debt. all notes were paid off earlier than anticipated.
And then came 1999 leading us into the year 2000. Almost every room in the church building upstairs and down, were repainted, walls and ceilings. The Sanctuary was the biggest job and it was hired out. The remainder of the painting was done by church members. A second outdoor sign was installed for current events and quotes. New carpet was installed in early 2000 in the Fellowship Hall, the downstairs hallway, and all of the second floor classrooms and hallway. New furniture was purchased for the Sunday School classrooms. The Church is ready for the new century.
The church entered the new millennium with many changes to bring it into the 21st century. Its members feel communication with the church family is of utmost importance. The One-Call system was implemented. All members, committees, or teams can be contacted simultaneously with “One-Call.” Now there is no doubt of who, what, when or where!
Much remodeling was done to the main floor. You now enter the church building from the new entrance on the parking lot side into a beautiful “Gathering Room.” It is a large welcoming area that invites everyone to be a part of fellowship before worship service and ushers everyone into the beautiful sanctuary to worship our Lord during the blended services. Together, our members can enjoy the beloved traditional hymns and learn today’s contemporary music, bringing the generations closer. We now enjoy music for all ages, thanks to the Praise Team, whose members work hard with many hours of practice.
After more than one frustrating flood in our lower level, several new sump pumps have been added and proven to be successful. No More Floods! Our kitchen was completely remodeled with new cabinets, appliances and flooring in 2008.
In the late nineties what started as a small but great puppet show has grown into a large
carnival with many games, prizes and fun. Our carnival is now a terrific fun part of Oldham County Day and has been for 20 years.
LaGrange Christ Church was formed in 1845. This year, 2015, we are celebrating 170 years of serving our Lord.
Historically, LaGrange Christian Church has been a church of challenge and commitments. It has been evangelistic in nature but, at the same time, recognizing social needs within the community. It has never faltered in the shadow of adversity, but instead learned to use the adversity as a stepping stone to success. And, it has always known the true Source of its strength and power.
The great Church with its proud history can only challenge and inspire those of us today that are in its continuing family. Let us remember that what goes on within these walls today will one day be tomorrow’s history. Our prayer is that our history will be so honorable and so worth remembering.
We look forward to the next milestone and the opportunities that are before: LaGrange Christian Church.
les of Christ), we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our decision making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high quality data evaluation. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits.